Scoville Units

15 May

This unit is often used to describe heat. For example, Anaheim and Bell Peppers are the sweetest, Capsaicin is the hottest, and so on. Before I knew about the scale, I used to think the habanero was the hottest. But then I started learning about the Bhut Jolokia and Trinidad Scorpion. Boy, when I tried a sauce with the Bhut Jolokia in it, it made the habanero look like nothing!

One Response to “Scoville Units”


  1. Hamtown, USA: The Preferred Pizza Destination for Ghost Lovers | MADE IN MICHIGAN | TAKIN' A BITE OUTTA MICHIGAN. - September 13, 2012

    […] average ghost pepper has a rating of over a million Scoville units, which measures how hot a pepper is. That’s about as powerful as the average pepper spray. […]

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